My editor, Sarah Harvey at Orca Books, says I’m allowed to share this. I think it’s gorgeous. (I’ve tried to convince friends that it’s really me on the cover, but I don’t think anyone believes me.)

Boarder Patrol Cover
Sarah and I just finished discussing the final changes to the novel. All that’s left now is the proofs–no big changes at that point. The book is scheduled for release in the spring. I’m excited!
Hi Erin,
Thought I should stop by and introduce myself. I’ve just finished writing the teachers’ guide for Boarder Patrol (thanks for all your excellent teaching suggestions, btw). And you know, I have to say: I LOVED Boarder Patrol. (This, coming from someone who’s read a lot of Orca’s novels.) You did some really great writing here. You had me fooled: I thought for sure you were a boarder.
I’ll soon be joining you as an Orca author: my first Soundings is due out this fall.
Nice to meetcha! Alex
Hi, Alex!
Wow, thank you so much! That means a lot, especially coming from the person who writes the teachers’ guides! I’m glad that my suggestions were useful. I’m a teacher, but I haven’t ever written content for a teachers’ guide before, so I wasn’t sure exactly what you needed. I look forward to seeing what you came up with!
Congratulations on your upcoming book, too–I’ll look for it in the fall! My friend Nora Rock is having a book published with the sports series then, too.
It’s lovely to meet you. I’ll see you on Twitter! 🙂
Hello there, so funny I found this page randomly and I’m am laughing my ass off, that picture is me at Glenshee, taken about 8 years ago or something, such a nice day though, just as well as I had forgotten to take my jacket with me, ha.
Anyway good luck with the book, any chance I could get a copy when it comes out?
Wow–that’s really you? That’s amazing. The cover photo was a surprise to me (it’s a publisher decision, not a writer one) but I think it looks great. I never thought I’d get to “meet” the real snowboarder, though–brilliant! 🙂
Do you live in Scotland? I’m not sure whether the book will be available in book stores there, but it’s on Amazon. I’m afraid my give-away copies are all spoken for, but you could ask Orca, maybe. They’re the publisher.
That would be fun, to be able to show people that you’re on the cover of a kids’ book! Thank you so much for dropping by and leaving a message. And thank you for the cool stock photo!
Yep it’s really me, I stay in Aberdeen, Scotland and found this site though a reverse image search engine (, found out my image has been used to sell, TV’s on eBay, Holidays in Chile and now this book, I’m pretty stoked to be honest. It would be good to get a copy somehow, I’m interested to find out how what happens to “Ryan”.
Hi, Neil,
I just spoke to Orca, and they would love to send you a book! Can you email me your mailing address? (I’m assuming that you don’t want to post it here.) My email address is on the “contacts” page.
Take care,